To learn how to code, players arrange the programming blocks into scripts (sequence of commands) to steer the heroes of the game to correctly carry out the quests. There are 2 formats of the programming blocks, depending on the game version:

Physical programming blocks

Cardboard blocks placed on a table, similar to a jigsaw puzzle. Thanks to the innovative image recognition system used in the application, the blocks can be scanned with a camera and, once recognised by the application, they will execute the program.

Virtual programming blocks

An integral part of the application interface, they can be stacked on top of each other to create a sequence of commands that make up a program; in the virtual version, they are dragged to the coding area. The indentations and protrusions make the blocks fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.

Visual learning of programming commands

There are four types of blocks: command, function, trigger and control instruction. This allows learning programming concepts such as loops, conditional statements, variables, functions, parameters, etc.

Visual learning of programming commands

There are four types of blocks: command, function, trigger and control instruction. This allows learning programming concepts such as loops, conditional statements, variables, functions, parameters, etc.


It’s in the rural areas where the need truly lies. The kids here are going to have to compete for university bursaries, compete for jobs, and compete for a chance at life. These are the kids that aren’t getting limited support right now. They do not own a phone, yet alone a tablet or computer. Children are disengaged from learning.


  • 21st century skills are developed

  • Grades are improved

“My name is Siyabonga in grade 6, since the Scottie Go program came at our school I can solve problems and pass mathematics with level 7 thanks to Scottie Go” Grade 6 learner


In 2022, three schools in Khuma, North West province, implemented a mindfulness and coding afterschool programme for selected students in Grade 5-7. The program caters to 817 learners in three different primary schools in Khuma township,
namely, Nkululekweni primary school, Hata butle primary school and Khuma primary school. Each school has an assigned facilitator from the


Each class is equipped with 5 Scottie Go Coding Kits and 5 tablets. The tablet is loaded with the FREE app, that requires no data to play the coding game. Scottie Go! Edu coding for kids, features hours of fun and learning by solving challenges and quests that require creativity to allow Scottie to fix his spaceship and return home


Scottie Go! Is a perfect board game that teaches learners the foundations of computer programming. It helps them improve their analytical, teamwork, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and logical skills. Scottie Go is part of a multi-faceted intervention programme in Mindfulness and Coding that has contributed the math’s gain. The math’s average increased by 36.3%.


Application for coding games

The coding games app for mobile devices or laptops provides a step-by-step guide through the adventurous world of programming with Scottie the alien. The gamification formula and interesting quests help to keep children interested, rewarding their efforts in a way known and liked by them.

Depending on the version, the application may be purchased from the relevant mobile store, as well as downloaded using the license key included in the box.

The Augmented Reality technology (AR) implemented in Scottie Go! helps players to create their own programs. This technology adds additional information to the program code recognized by the application, with the help of a camera.